Kazakhstani burger recipe

BH&T Kazakhstan burger recipeLamb and Marinated Beef Burger on Fried Noodle Cake

I have a good sense of humor, I think…  Would you really know if you didn’t have a good sense of humor, perhaps we all think we have it, but really we don’t?  Regardless, I like to laugh and have been known make others laugh.  Despite this, I do not like humor that puts people in uncomfortable situations then mocks them.  So I really disliked the movie Borat.  Don’t start defending it, the movie is just rude.  Some of the people mocked are bigots, but many are just trying to be polite.  And the portrayal of Kazakhstanis as backward  and unsophisticated peasant people managed to insult an entire country – pissed them off too.  I’m just glad Sasha Baron Cohen isn’t from the US, he’s British, so blame England 🙂

So I really wanted to write a nice summary of Kazakhstan.  I wanted to show the sophisticated, civilized side to this country and to make up a little for Borat.  Let’s give it a try.  Kazakhstan is a Central Asian country bordering Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.  It is the largest of the former Soviet republics (other than Russia of course).

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Kazakstanis have large mineral and oil reserves and a big agricultural sector.  That being said, the global economic crisis hit Kazakhstan pretty hard and the country is just started turning around over the last three years.  The government is investing to improve infrastructure including roads and electrical grids, and as you can see below, there’s plenty of Kazakhstanis living a modern lifestyle.

from http://kazakhstanwonders.wordpress.com/

from http://kazakhstanwonders.wordpress.com/

Food traditions are incredibly important in Kazakhstan (like in so many places).  Now some of these might sound odd, but don’t go all Borat on me, give it a chance.  If you were invited to a special dinner in Kazakhstan, you might find that you are served a roasted goat’s head – don’t panic!  The head will be placed in front of you as the guest, but you aren’t expected to eat the whole thing.  The honored guest should take a small slice off the head then pass it on to the elder of the table.

The elder will then serve the goat.  He’ll serve pieces of the goat to each person at the table.  The interesting part is that he’ll served particular parts of the head depending on what each person needs – the children usually get a piece of the ears as they need to listen better, it goes on from there.  I can’t remember the meaning behind each part, but each has a specific importance.  You won’t have to eat a lot; the main dish will be something else.

What it will likely be is horsemeat, yes, horse.  Now don’t get all worked up, they raise horses just like we raise cattle.  The horses for eating are plump and don’t look anything like horses raised for riding.  I’ve read that the meat tastes pretty much like meat, nothing gross, a little like a sweeter version of beef.  I did not use horse, don’t worry.  I combined lamb and beef that was marinated in sour milk – the flavor was lovely – who knows if it was anything like horse, it was tasty.  Meat and sour milk are a popular combination in Kazakhstan and letting the beef marinate in the milk gave it a softer and juicier texture.

One of the popular dishes is called Besparmak – it’s horsemeat stewed in sour milk and served over noodles.  Since I had the meat and sour milk covered, I thought it would be fun to make a noodle cake for the starch.  The problem is that wide noodles don’t hold together in a nice pretty circle, but since they taste like yummy fried noodles, you’ll find you don’t care.  Add some caramelized onion and some pickled beets and carrots and the flavor is better than the sum of its parts.  The balance of the acidic vegetables and the meaty patty is perfect with the crispy noodle cakes.  This was one where I longed for seconds!  Paul and I both ate this burger again the next day when I did the picture version.  It has a rich and succulent flavor, sure to please even your pickiest eaters.  And hopefully this burger will give you a new view on Kazakhstan – a land of hospitality and lots of yummy meat.

If you like this burger, try the Estonia Burger, it’s another meat filled burger with tangy over tones.

Kazakhstan Burger
1 cup milk
Juice of 1 lemon
1 pound sirloin cut into chunks
½ teaspoon kosher salt
½ pound ground lamb
¼ cup minced onions
Oil for cooking (olive or peanut is fine)
4 Noodle Cakes (recipe below)
Sautéed Onions (recipe below)
Carrot and Beet Salad (recipe below – make ahead about 3 hours)
6 Tablespoons Sour Cream

Combine the milk and lemon juice.  Place the beef in a glass bowl and add the sour milk mixture.  Cover and refrigerate for 1-3 hours.  Drain the beef and grind on the finest setting.  Add salt, lamb and onions and mix it with your hands to completely combine.  Try not to over work it though.  Form 4 patties.  Grill in a non-stick pan to desired temperature.

To serve, place a noodle cake on each plate, add Sautéed Onions, cooked patties then top with the Carrot and Beet Salad and 1½ Tablespoons of sour cream.

Noodle Cakes
7 ounces pappardelle cooked and drained (not rinsed)
4 Tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper to taste
Peanut oil

Combine the noodles, butter, salt and pepper while noodles are still hot.   Portion the noodles into 4 portions.  Do your best to form 4 circles out of the noodles.  Place the circles on wax paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes (you can skip the refrigeration part if you want, it just helps hold the noodle cake together better).  Heat 1/8 inch of peanut oil in a heavy frying pan.  When oil is hot but not smoking, add the cakes and fry each side until it is crispy and golden.

BH&T Kazakhstan Noodle Cake

Sautéed Onions
1 large onion
4 Tablespoons butter

Cut the onion in half then slice it into thin slices (about ¼ inch).  Heat the butter in a sauté pan over medium heat until melted then, when the foam subsides, add the onions.  Cover and turn the heat to low.  Cook for 20 minutes until soft.

Beet and Carrot Salad
2 carrots grated
1 large beet grated
1 Tablespoon pickling spice (wrapped in cheesecloth)
2/3 cup cider vinegar
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon sugar

Add all ingredients into a glass bowl.  Cover and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

BH&T Kazakhstan Beet&Carrot Salad

Kazakhstani burger recipe

©Copyright 2014 Linda Monach

Posted in beef burgers, lamb burgers | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Jordanian burger recipe

BH&T Jordanian burger recipeLamb burger with Za’atar seasoning, warm garlic yoghurt sauce and ful medames
Creating a Jordanian burger has taken a ridiculous amount of time.  Luckily it was totally worth it and the warm garlic yoghurt sauce is a revelation.  Big claim, I know, but I would eat this sauce on anything (ok, not anything, ice cream would be gross, but you get the idea), and die happy reeking of garlic.  But I’m getting ahead of myself, why did it take so long you ask?  Well, let’s begin at the beginning…

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Jordan is a Middle Eastern country bordering Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Israel.  It is a land rich in history and food traditions.  Like so many of the Middle Eastern countries we’ve explored, food is a critical part of hospitality and hospitality plays a major role in the culture of the Jordanian people.  Jordanians will say that if you don’t gain weight during a visit to their country, they haven’t done their jobs – sounds like holidays with my mom 🙂  They are especially fond of sweets and you can apparently get all sorts of pastries dripping in sweet syrups at street stands in the cities.  I keep imagining the smell you get at a carnival near the elephant ear stand, fried dough and sugar, it really brings us together.

By DuiMDog (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

By DuiMDog (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Sweets however, do not help me build a burger recipe – a sweet, sugary pastry is not my idea of an accompaniment to meat (I know that several crazy American restaurants have used doughnuts to form burger buns, but much like the burger between two grilled cheese sandwiches, I find the idea disgusting and insane in light of the heart disease and obesity issues we have in this country, not to mention the people all over the world who don’t have enough while we overindulge in so many calories it’s killing us, don’t get me started…).  So I had to move on from all the luscious sweets and into the savory to find inspiration.

Amman City Scape - By David Bjorgen (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Amman City Scape – By David Bjorgen (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Which led me to the Bedouins.  Bedouins comprise around 35% of the Jordanian population.  The word Bedouin translates to “inhabitants of the desert” and refers to nomadic tribe across the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa.  There are Bedouin tribes in Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.  Many Bedouin have become only semi-nomadic and have settled homes that they return to for part of the year, but many still travel as a way of life.  It’s difficult to get a good headcount when dealing with nomadic people, but one estimate I saw was that there are 4million Bedouin in the Middle East and Africa today.

Although ethnically Arabic, the Bedouin are considered different, in fact some Arabs think of the Bedouin as the “ideal Arab” because they live a traditional life and herd animals, have strong honor codes and rich oral poetic traditions.  The tribal life has led to strong cultures within and across tribes and Bedouin are generally considered more Bedouin than Jordanian, Israeli, Saudi, etc….  When I mentioned that I was working on my Jordanian burger recipe to an Israeli friend of mine, she made one of those dismissive non-verbal sounds that so many cultures excel at that indicated she had no interest.  When I told her I was basing off Bedouin foods, she said, “oh, well that’s different, that’s not Jordanian.”

Luckily for me, it isn’t really different in this case because the national dish of Jordan, the dish that everyone says you must try when you visit, is a Bedouin dish called mansaf.  Mansaf has moved in from the deserts and is made everywhere in the country.  After tasting it, I understand why.  I’m lucky enough to live near a city with abundant culinary opportunities, including take-out mansaf!  Since mansaf is made with dehydrated, fermented yogurt (called jameed), and jameed is tough to find in Boston, I decided I should try the dish from a local restaurant and see what it tasted like before I attempted to use it as inspiration.  So we ordered mansaf and lots of other goodies and gorged on yummy Middle Eastern food – a great way to get inspiration in my book.  Mansaf is goat or lamb (sometimes chicken) cooked slowly in a yogurt sauce with onions and garlic.  It is traditionally served on saffron rice that is layered over pita bread with the yogurt sauce on the side for dipping.  It is eaten with your hand (right hand only please), and is messy, very messy.  We loved the mansaf from our local spot – it was tangy and more flavorful than I imagined.  It was served with a garlicky yogurt sauce to which I instantly became addicted.

But I wasn’t satisfied, I really wanted to find jameed and make the traditional sauce to taste it myself, so I searched for an Arabic grocery store, and searched, and searched…  We have a lot of Indian, Armenian, Chinese and Latin stores, but not so many Arabic stores.  I checked 3 Armenian stores, no luck – well that’s not totally true, I did find Jordanian za’atar at one and they carried something they call jameed, but it was a liquid soup started rather than a dry powder, so I don’t think it translates.  I bought some anyway and tried it – very sour with an odd processed taste, I didn’t like it.   A friend who lives next to an Arabic grocery store in the South End was kind enough to stop by one day and found me the elusive jameed (thank you Deepan).

So I was able to try to make mansaf myself.  I’ve got to say, the fermented, dehydrated yogurt must be an acquired taste.  The yeasty, fermented flavor was overpowering to me and I didn’t love it.  Perhaps I just didn’t do it right, and my jameed was a powder not a hard ball, so let’s just blame those factors and assume that the real mansaf is more like the restaurant version.  Luckily, I’m looking for inspiration, not authentic traditional recipes – inspiration is easier 🙂

So, after a couple months of research and trial and error, it was time to knuckle down and figure out how the flavors we experienced could come together in a burger.  Ground lamb for the patty was obvious, rice and pita was an easy base.  I added za’atar seasoning to the lamb – za’atar is a seasoning blend typical to this part of the world, but varies somewhat from country to country and home to home.  The basics are sesame seeds and thyme, which sounds simple until you read more and discover that the thyme used here isn’t the same as the French thyme that I typically use, it’s closer to oregano than to the European or American versions of thyme.  Sumac is also added to most blends to give a little citrus tang.  I bought a blend from an American company (Penzey’s, my favorite spice company), and two blends from the Armenian store.  One blend was actually made in Jordan.  We tasted all three (just blended them with olive oil and dipped bread into the spice mix), and we liked the Jordanian blend the best, so that’s what we went with, but all of the choices were tasty.  You could also make your own, but I would use oregano rather than thyme.

I realized I could easily make a yogurt sauce with onion and garlic, you wouldn’t get the meat flavoring that you get when you cook the meat in the sauce, but that’s ok.  But the sauce is pretty runny and I wanted something to give the dish more body.  So I added ful medames – this is a popular Middle Eastern dish made with fava beans.  It’s a mash of fava beans, garlic and spices with a little lemon for balance.  My last step was olive oil.  Jordanians are very proud of their locally produced olive oil and many say it has a distinctive taste.  Alas, I don’t know if this is true.  While searching for jameed, I searched Jordanian olive oil.   No luck, the closest I could find was Lebanese olive oil, and lots of Italian options.  So I purchased the Lebanese oil and it tasted, to my palate, exactly like the Italian olive oil I cook with every day.  So I used it, but I don’t recommend you search it out.  If you can find Jordanian olive oil, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how it compares, otherwise, just use Italian EVOO.

So, at the end of the day, we got a burger with that sweet and herby lamb patty, covered in rich ful medames and coated with the slightly sour, extremely garlicky, totally awesome yogurt sauce, and life was good.  I’ll admit, I ate the photo version the next day (I don’t usually indulge in two burgers in one week), and I dipped bread in the yogurt sauce and finished it off after everyone went to bed the next night.  I have since made chicken in the yogurt sauce and it works really well – tart and savory and the yogurt gives a nice tender texture to the chicken.  This recipe has become a part of the way we eat; I hope you love it as much as we do.  I can’t cook for you, so sharing my recipes is my version of hospitality – enjoy!

If you like this burger you should check out my Bahrainian burger, it’s a little bit lighter yet still has great Middle Eastern flavors.   Also, if you want to know more about mansaf, here’s a link to a great article about mansaf (this is not the recipe I tried, so perhaps hers would be better) http://www.dimasharif.com/2011/08/jordanian-mansaf-more-than-just-food-it.html

Jordanian Burger
1 pound ground lamb
2 Tablespoons yoghurt (preferably full fat, Middle Eastern yoghurt)
2 Tablespoons za’atar (available online or at specialty markets)
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 large pita (see note)
Ful medames (recipe below)
Yellow rice (recipe below)
Garlic-yoghurt sauce (recipe below)
Sliced almonds

Note:  Do not buy the typical pita that we use in the US to make sandwiches, it is thick and dry and tastes like cardboard.  Find a good Middle Eastern bakery and get real flatbread – thin, light, soft.  If it doesn’t look like this, don’t buy it, skip the pita and just serve with rice.

note how soft this pita is

note how soft this pita is

note how thin and light

note how thin and light

Combine the lamb, yoghurt and za’atar.  Don’t use the low/no fat versions that are so popular these days, find a full fat yoghurt.  Middle Eastern yoghurt is creamy and luscious; it’s perfect for this dish.  Let the meat sit for and hour in the refrigerator for an hour to infuse the meat with the flavors.  Form four patties.

Heat the olive oil in a cast iron pan.  Cook the lamb patties to your desired temperature.

To serve:  cut the pita into quarters and place one quarter on each plate.  Scoop some ful medames and some rice on each piece.  Place a patty on each then spoon some yoghurt sauce on and top with sliced almonds.  Be generous with the yoghurt sauce, it’s awesome.

Ful Medames
16 ounce can of fava beans
2 cloves of garlic, mashed
3 Tablespoons olive oil
Juice of one lemon
½ teaspoon ground sumac
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
1 tomato chopped

Drain and rinse the fava beans then place in a glass bowl.  Mash the beans then add all the other ingredients.  Set aside until ready to use.  I prefer this room temperature, but if it’s going to be more than an hour, you’ll want to refrigerate it.

BH&T Jordan ful medames

Yellow Rice
1 cup medium grain rice
1¾ cup water
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
Pinch of kosher salt

Rinse the rice and drain, then place all of the ingredients in a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer.  Cover and cook for 20-25 minutes.

BH&T Jordan Rice

Yoghurt Sauce
2 Tablespoons ghee
1 small onion minced
2 cloves garlic minced
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup Middle Eastern yoghurt

Melt the ghee in a medium sauté pan; add the onions, garlic and salt.  Sauté over medium/low heat until soft (you don’t want to brown the onions, so watch the temperature).  Add the yoghurt and stir until warm.  Taste and salt more if needed.

BH&T Jordan Yogurt Sauce


Jordanian burger recipe

©Copyright 2014 Linda Monach

Posted in lamb burgers, middle eastern recipes | 5 Comments

Japanese burger recipe

BH&T Japanese burger recipeTuna Tartare with Pickled Vegetables, Wasabi and Sushi Rice
Every country has its challenges and wonders and Japan is no different.  The challenge was trying to find something to say about Japan that you don’t already know.  The wonder is the sheer weirdness of the food.  Let’s begin with the challenge.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Japan is comprised of over 3,600 islands and is, of course, located off the Northeast coast of Asia.  Between the early 1600’s and the mid 1800’s, the policy of the Japanese government was essentially isolationist.  Because of this policy, the Japanese culture flourished, but uniquely flourished.  It’s hard to completely grasp because I’ve grown up in the U.S. which of course is chock full of international influences and always has been, but it explains a lot about the complexity and difficulty of truly understanding the Japanese.  Imagine a group of people living on an island (ok, technically a bunch of islands) and not interacting with any other people for 200 years.  The art, literature, music, and, of course, the food of Japan have all been affected by this long period of introspection.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

And on to the wonder, for our purposes, this introspection equates to weird food.  Ok don’t get all worked up, I don’t mean weird “bad”, I mean weird as in unique, unusual, with very few easy comparisons to Western food, or even other Asian cuisines.   I happen to think it’s weird/spectacular, but I am still a novice.  For my burger I’ve focused on the basics and tried to keep the flavors clean and approachable.  Since clean and focused flavors are a hallmark of Japanese cuisine, it feels like we’re off to a good start.

Seafood is central to Japanese cuisine.  Yes, I know there will be a whole group of you who are screaming for wagyu beef, but let’s face it guys, wagyu beef is not in every kitchen and is not a core food of the average family in Japan – it’s a specialty, and a ridiculously expensive one at that.  So I’m sticking with fish, and because I can, I’m sticking with raw fish.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never prepared raw fish, I always just buy mine at restaurants.  So how to get good fish that will work?  Well first, I picked tuna, because it’s one of the most popular raw fishes in these parts, so it’s easy to find.  So I went to Whole Foods and purchased some tuna sashimi, so “sushi grade” tuna and an ahi tuna steak.  First off, “sushi grade” isn’t a real FDA term, it’s a term that retailers use to indicate fish that’s been frozen in such a way to kill off all parasites.  So if you go to buy “sushi grade” – you’ll be buying frozen fish.  I bought frozen yellowtail because they didn’t have frozen ahi and I’ve liked yellowtail when I’ve had sushi before, so I thought we’d give it a whirl.

Paul and I did a taste test and the sashimi was bland and flavorless, the frozen yellowtail was fishy and unpleasant and the ahi steak was perfect.  So we went with the ahi.  I kept it simple with light seasoning, chopped it up and formed a patty – and no, I didn’t cook it.  I don’t like the taste of cooked tuna at all, so we’re sticking with tartar.

There are very few meals in Japan that don’t include pickled vegetables, so we had to include some pickled veg.  Radishes are extremely popular – we tried both Japanese radish and the reddish-pink radishes that are common here.  I found the Japanese radish tasted ok, but smelled a little sulphury – the smell bugged me so much, I threw it in the trash and stuck with the red-pink version – happily the color was nice too, so that was a good bonus.  Added to that some turnip and some sesame seeds and it was a perfect topping.

Horseradish is a classic flavor that pairs perfectly with fish, so I made some wasabi (they sell powdered wasabi at my local grocery store).  I really wanted to make a wasabi mayonnaise – cause I love mayonnaise – but my research indicated that mayo is not authentic to traditional Japanese cuisine but rather a fusion from European cuisines – so I kept it simple and pure.

As for the starch, I don’t think you can really talk about Japanese food without rice coming into the conversation.  And sushi rice is awesome with fish.  You use short grained rice labeled “sushi rice”, rinse it and cook it then add rice vinegar and sugar – it gives it a slightly sour and sweet flavor that perfectly balances the sweetness of the tuna and the sharp flavor of the pickled vegetables.

So, if you’ve eaten Japanese food, I hope this burger will remind you of some of your favorite experiences.   If you’re like me and have only had Japanese food in restaurants, try this, it’s easy and will give you new confidence to try new things.  And, if you haven’t tried Japanese food, don’t be afraid – the flavors are subtle and lovely, try it – make one burger and serve it as an appetizer, just be bold and try something new, worst case, you can always pepper-crust and sear the rest of the tuna, or you can order a pizza 🙂

If you like this burger, I have no idea what other burgers you might enjoy, but here’s another fish option with totally different flavors.  Try Guinea Bissau and a spicy tilapia burger with cashew rice, it’s delicious and exotic and despite that, nothing like the Japanese burger 🙂

Japan Burger
1 pound ahi tuna
3 teaspoons soy sauce
3 small scallions sliced thin
1 teaspoon prepared wasabi (make it a little watery as it’s easier to use)
Pickled vegetables (recipe below)
Sushi Rice (recipe below)

Chop the tuna into small pieces.  Add soy and scallions to the tuna and toss to mix.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Place a scoop of sushi rice on the plate then drizzle some wasabi on the rice – the amount depends on how much you like wasabi.  We found ¼ teaspoon to be about right, but you can play with it.  Form the chopped tuna into patties and place on top of the rice.  Add a spoonful of each of the pickled vegetables and sprinkle white and black sesame seeds on top.

Pickled Vegetables
3 turnips sliced thin (use a mandoline)
1/3 cup seasoned rice vinegar
6 radishes sliced thin (use a mandoline)
½ cup seasoned rice vinegar

Put each of the vegetables in a separate glass bowl (otherwise the pink of the radishes will bleed through to the turnips).  Add vinegar to each bowl and toss the vegetables to coat.  Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.  Drain to use.

Sushi Rice
1 cup sushi rice – rinsed
1 cup water
2 Tablespoons rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon sugar

Place rice and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes, then let it stand for 15 minutes covered.  In a small microwavable bowl combine the rice vinegar and sugar and heat for 30 seconds on high in microwave.  Stir until sugar dissolves.  Place the rice in a large glass bowl and add the vinegar/sugar mixture.  Stir to coat the rice.  Let the rice cool to room temperature before using – do not refrigerate the rice, ever, it’s a big no-no in Japanese cooking to refrigerate rice.


Japanese burger recipe

©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach

Posted in asian recipes, fish burgers | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Jamaican burger

BH&T Jamaica Burger Recipe Jerk Chicken Burger – of course!
I trust you all had a lovely summer and enjoyed your holiday.  In honor of holiday/vacation/time off, we are off to Jamaica today.  I don’t know about you, but some time in the islands sounds like just the thing.  Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean.  It was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1494 then later settled by the Spanish.  This was unfortunate for the native Taino people who were gradually killed off (a combination of violence and disease).


Today there are almost 3 million people living in Jamaica.  Over 90% of the population is of African descent (the Spanish and later the English brought Africans over as slaves starting in the 16th century.  Slavery was abolished in 1834 and full independence was achieved in 1962.  Over time, the economy of Jamaica had become highly dependent on services, many of which are fed by the tourism industry (no wonder given the natural beauty of the island).  Unfortunately the global economic downturn hits countries like this particularly hard, and Jamaica is no exception.  In an attempt to bail out ailing sectors of the economy, the government has gone deeply into debt (debt to GDP ratio of 130%).  Combine that with high crime rates and unemployment running around 14% and things are not so sunny in Jamaica these days.

By Op. Deo at English Wikipedia, via Wikimedia Commons

By Op. Deo at English Wikipedia, via Wikimedia Commons

By Adam L. Clevenger, via Wikimedia Commons

By Adam L. Clevenger, via Wikimedia Commons

Before we jump in to the food, I wanted to talk a little about the Rastafari religion in Jamaica, mainly because I found it really interesting and hope you will too.  Rastafari developed in Jamaica in the 1930s after Haile Selassie I was crowned King of Ethiopia.  Its followers believe that Haile Selassie is God.

Haile Selassie I - By G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection, via Wikimedia Commons

Haile Selassie I – By G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection, via Wikimedia Commons

God will, according the Rastafari theology return to Africa those blacks who are living in exile due to colonization and slave trade.  There are about 1 million followers of the Rastafari religion worldwide.  Rastafarians follow many of the teachings of the Old Testament; it is a Christian based religion.  There are many dietary restrictions that are followed to varying degrees.  Most Rastafarians don’t drink alcohol and many don’t eat meat.  There is an emphasis on clean and natural foods and some followers even avoid using cooking implements made out of metal and any canned or preserved foods.  The whole dreadlock thing is because the religion forbids cutting your hair.  Overall Rastafari is an interesting religion with a strong belief in black empowerment and in living in harmony with the natural world.  So don’t stop at Bob Marley, read up on the movement, it is pretty cool and very interesting.

Great dreads!

Great dreads!

Enough of this, let’s move on to the food, there is much to celebrate in the food culture of Jamaica.  While it has been influenced by the many people who have lived on the islands, today it is one of the most influential and exported cuisines in the Caribbean.  The original native Taino cooked on a wooden grate over a slow flame, the wood that they used was wood from the allspice tree.  Jamaicans now call this cooking method “jerk”.  The word “jerk” also refers to a spice blend that varies from one Jamaican to the next, but always includes allspice and Scotch bonnet peppers.   Although Jamaican cuisine has many rich traditions, jerk is, by far, the most iconic flavor from Jamaica and I couldn’t resist making it the basis for my burger recipe.  So yes, I made a jerk chicken burger, and it is spicy and packed with the flavor of the islands.

I also tried making bammy, “tried” being the operative word.  Bammy is a traditional Jamaican dish that involves straining grated yucca then grilling it in a patty form.  The recipes that I found were pretty basic, so that’s what I tried to emulate.  And, it tasted like cardboard and had the texture of glue.  So I abandoned that Idea and went with a basic beans and rice for the starchy base.  Then, because we’re in the islands, I had to add some fresh tropical fruits and veggies to lighten things up.

BH&T Jamaica Bammy

The final result is classic spice flavor complimented by heat that ties it all together and stays with you.  You get the tangy, piney flavor of allspice loud and clear and the salsa balances with a sweet and zesty tropical top-note.  The rice and beans tame the whole dish a bit and keep the spice and heat from overpowering the palate.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy this and be transported to the islands.  If you like this, I have lots of other Caribbean burgers you’ll probably enjoy too – check out the ………

Jamaica burger
1¼ pound boneless skinless chicken breast
2 Tablespoons ground allspice
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1 habenero or Scotch bonnet pepper sliced
2 scallions chopped
2 Tablespoons fresh thyme
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon soy sauce
½ teaspoon ground ginger
Juice of 1 lime
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1 Tablespoon peanut oil
2 cups beans and rice (recipe below)
2 cups papaya salsa (recipe below)

Cut the chicken into chunks (about 1 inch cube) and place in a glass bowl.  Put all of the spices and herbs along with the lime juice and salt into a spice grinder and grind into a paste.  Add the paste to the chicken and coat the chicken with the paste.  Let it sit in the fridge for about an hour.  Using the fine setting on a meat grinder, grind the chicken along with the spice paste.  Form four patties from the mixture.

Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet.  Grill the patties until the chicken is cooked through.  To serve, place about half a cup of the rice and beans mixture on each plate, add the cooked patties then top with the papaya salsa.

Beans and rice
1 cup long grain white rice
2 cups water
1 can small red beans

Place all ingredients in a pot and bring to boil.  Cover and reduce heat to simmer.  Cook for 15 minutes or until all liquid has been absorbed.

BH&T Jamaica Rice & Beans

Papaya Salsa
1 chayote sliced thin
½ papaya sliced
1 jalapeno seeded and diced
1 Vidalia onion sliced
3 Tablespoons coconut oil
Juice of 1 lime

Heat the oil in a medium skillet and grill the vegetables, fruit and peppers until just soft.  Remove the fruit and vegetables from the heat and chop.  Add lime juice to taste.  Use the salsa at room temperature or cold on the burgers.

BH&T Jamaica Papaya Salsa

Jamaican burger

©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach

Posted in caribbean recipes, chicken burgers | Leave a comment

Where’s the beef?

Ok folks, this entry is a bit of a departure, actually it’s a total departure from my usual writing.  For those of you who have been enjoying my blog and my recipes, you may have noticed that I’ve slowed down dramatically this year.  If it’s any consolation, I have strong feelings of guilt and disappointment that this has happened 🙂

So I felt I owed you all an explanation.  In January of this year, my husband/soulmate/love of my life was diagnosed with brain cancer.  They operated on him about two weeks later and were able to remove about half of the tumor (they do the operation with him awake – yikes!).  Since then he’s been taking chemo every month for the last 6 months, 6 more to go.  Unfortunately brain cancer isn’t really curable (yet), fortunately he has the best kind of tumor, slow growing, good genetic markers, lots of research being done etc…

MRI axial

We are so grateful that we live near Boston and have the good folks at Dana Farber taking care of him.  We’re hopeful that these same people will find a cure, or at least better treatments in time to keep him going.  Paul is doing well and except for some reduced function in his left arm and some exhaustion from the chemo, he’s managing to keep his spirits up and is working and doing everything he used to do.  We expect he’ll be pretty stable for the next 5-10 years, after that, well, we try not to focus too much on after that.

So that’s my way of saying I’ve been distracted this year, and had some of the creative energy drained out of me.  But I haven’t given up.  I love to cook and Paul loves to eat, so this cookbook is going to happen (even if it takes a while longer), and the blog will continue.  I have already made a delicious Jamaican burger and the Japan burger was one of my favorites.  Now I just have to find some quality time to write them down for you.  And I will.

So please stick with me, keep trying all the burgers – I know there’s still a bunch you haven’t tried yet – and stay tuned.
Warm wishes to you all,

Posted in about this blog | 14 Comments

Italian burger recipe

BH&T Italy Burger RecipeProsciutto Wrapped Burger with Asiago Cheese, Tomatoes and Olives
Italy is another one of those countries which could easily lead us astray.  I can’t tell you how many people have suggested a burger with mozzarella and Parmesan and red sauce – basically the moral equivalent of burger Parmesan.  Sounds dreadful to me, and boring, and not really like a good idea at all.  I took a different approach to Italy than I have used in the past.  For Italy, I used memory, the memory of a wonderful vacation.  Eleven years ago (pre-children), my husband Paul and I spent 12 glorious days in Italy and fell in love, with the country, the wine and the food.  We divided our time evenly between Rome, Sienna and Florence.  But before I get ahead of myself, let’s back up to the basics.

Paul in Florence

Paul in Florence

Italy is a country in Southern Europe which borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia.  It’s a peninsula with a gorgeous coast that I fully intend to visit on some future vacation.  Most of you have heard of Italy and know at least as much about the country as I do (based on the demographics of my visitors), so I’m going to skip to the food.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

When it comes to the food of Italy, I’m willing to bet that a large percentage of you have eaten Italian food.  So much of what we enjoy as Italian food here in the US is really more “inspired by” than authentic.  The meaty red sauce that I grew up with is a cross between marinara and Bolognese.  Pizza in Italy (especially in Naples where pizza was invented) is generally made with fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs and fresh mozzarella.  The sauce and topping heavy pizzas we love here are very different from the flatbread delights of Naples.  So ignore what you think you know (unless of course you really do know, then hopefully I won’t screw it up), and come along on a journey with me to Tuscany.

yours truly in Volterra

yours truly in Volterra

With over 60 million people living in an area slightly larger than Arizona, there’s a huge variety of regional cuisines.  But since I want to live in the land of memory, I’m going to focus on Tuscan flavors and food.  Tuscany is a land for meat lovers.  Steak and wild boar were on every menu and the olive oil was the most fragrant and flavorful I’ve ever experienced.  Fresh tomatoes, wonderful cheese (yes, they do make more than parmesan and mozzarella), cured meats and unsalted bread – these are the flavors you’ll find throughout Tuscany.  And yes, I said unsalted bread.

According to a lovely women who was pouring delectable olive oil for tasting, the bread is made salt-free because the government used to tax salt and the Tuscan people decided they didn’t want to pay the tax, so they stopped using it in bread.  And, they never picked it back up again – which is strange because bread really needs salt.  Luckily you can dip this tasteless bread in lightly salted olive oil and everything is good again.

But I digress.  The flavors of my vacation worked their way perfectly into a burger.  I started with some Italian bread (salted, because that’s what they sell around here) and grilled it in the best olive oil I could find.  I spread some ground up olives (because sliced olives are too messy), a tomato with a little bit of olive oil and oregano – nothing too exciting yet.  Then there was the truly inspirational step – I took a thin piece of prosciutto di Parma and wrapped it around the burger patty – crazy as it sounds, it worked gloriously.  Meaty salty goodness, delicious.  The prosciutto gets nice and crispy and the flavor of the ham permeates the burger, it’s magical.

I tried 4 different cheeses, all imported from Italy.  Spent a small fortune, but I consider cheese an investment J  Even though it doesn’t melt easily, Paul and I both agreed that the asiago was the best for this burger.  It has a nice sharpness like a really good Parmesan or a dry aged cheddar without a stinkiness that might overpower the meat.  Whole foods had a buffalo milk cheese that was also really good, but I’m not really sure how typical buffalo milk cheese is in Italy, so we went with the asiago instead.  If you want a fun cheese tasting just go to your local specialty market and buy everything they have from Italy, you’ll be amazed at the variety or flavors and textures.

The final touch on this burger is to take some high quality Italian salami (I used sopressata), slice into small pieces and fry them up for a crispy topping.  Consider it an homage to the charcuterie of Italy 🙂

This burger is a celebration of meat; the prosciutto keeps the meat nice and moist and the acid in the tomato and the brine of the olives balance it out.  I recommend grilling the bread pretty heavily because the juiciness of the burger soaked our first attempts and disintegrated the bread.  It was a lovely reminder of a fantastic vacation and Paul has declared it “last meal worthy”, and this is a man who eats a lot of burgers!

If you like this burger you’ll probably enjoy the Andorran burger, it’s also meaty yet balanced.

Italy Burger
1 pound ground beef 80% lean
4 cloves of garlic minced
2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar (preferably from Modena)
4 slices of prosciutto di Parma
Olive oil
2 ounces of asiago cheese sliced thin
2 ounces sopressata (or other high quality Italian salami)
24 kalamata olives
Baby romaine lettuce
4 slices of tomato
Dried oregano
Kosher salt

Mix together the garlic, balsamic vinegar and beef then form four patties out of the mixture.  Wrap each patty in a slice of prosciutto.

BH&T Italy burger patty uncooked

Heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a cast iron skillet.  Place each patty in the olive oil and fry the burgers for about four minutes per side.

BH&T Italy Burger Cooking

Place the cheese on the burgers and cover the pan, turn the heat down to medium low and cook until cheese is melted.  Remove the cooked burgers from the pan, turn the heat up and cook the sopressata until crispy (they cook fast).

To serve put one slice of grilled bread on each plate, spread some olive paste on each, then add a layer of lettuce leaves and a tomato.  Sprinkle a little bit of oregano on each tomato slice and drizzle with olive oil.

BH&T Italy Tomatoes

Add the cooked patties and topped with the sopressata and final bread slices.

Italian burger recipe


©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach





Posted in beef burgers, european recipes | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Israeli burger recipe

BH&T Israel Burger Recipe

Harissa flavored burger with hummus and Israeli salad
As we make our culinary tour around the world, creating burgers for each country as we go, the most difficult stops (at least for me) are those countries that have had a variety of people traveling in and out. Luckily for us they are also some of the most rewarding. Israel is a Middle Eastern country which shares land borders with Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt and enjoys a long coast along the Mediterranean Sea.

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook


The land used to be part of the British Empire then after World War II the UN created a Jewish state and Britain gave up rule of the land that now makes up Israel. We could spend a lot of time talking about the history of the land before British rule and after the State of Israel was established, but it would just get folks riled up, so let’s skip right to the food.

Without going into the long history, let’s just say that a lot of people have live in and traveled through Israel and they have all brought wonderful flavors and foods with them. The food of Israel is the food of the Middle East. There is hummus, falafel, baba ganoush, gyros, tabouleh, all the good stuff. The challenge with Israel wasn’t finding something good; it was deciding which good thing to use to make the perfect burger. I have several friends who grew up in Israel, but they weren’t much help – asking an Israeli about food is like asking a Frenchman about wine, you get a lot of great conversation, but not a lot of straight answers.

We all agreed that we should follow the Jewish dietary laws of kashrus or “keep it Kosher”. I do not have a kosher kitchen, so I can’t be truly kosher, but beyond that I’ve followed the rules. No mixing of meat and dairy so no cheese on our burger ☹. No shellfish, so no lobster sauce. And of course the obvious, no pork, so no bacon burger. The most difficult of these laws (for me anyway) was the loss of cheese…I really like cheese. But we’ve had plenty of cheese less burgers, so I got over it pretty quickly.

The meat could have been anything from lamb to chicken, but my Israeli friends all voted for beef, so who am I to argue? Now the question of how to flavor the meat was the hard part – again because of the embarrassment of riches. Too many choices, so little time. I considered herbs, I considered berbere, I read dozens of recipes and finally I decided on harissa. Harissa is a spice paste from Tunisia; it’s made of various chilies and can vary in heat depending on the chilies you use. I’m fortunate enough that my local Whole Foods carries two brands of harissa, so I bought both and chose the less spicy option for the burger. It added a lovely smokiness to the meat and complimented the lightness of the other ingredients perfectly.

BH&T Israel Harissa

I felt obligated to use pita bread because it is such a common staple of the Israeli diet, but I still think it’s an inferior substrate for a burger. Pita just tends to fall apart too easily for my tastes, but other than that it’s ok. I cut off the sides because I find them to dry and bready, this of course eliminates the “pocket” effect completely, but it works find if you just think of it as a really thin bread.

Of course I had to make my own hummus. I like a particularly garlicky hummus with a strong taste of lemon, but if you want to change the recipe to your tastes, that’s fine. Or, if you want to buy your favorite hummus, I don’t judge – I’ve been know to pick up a pint of Tribe of Two Sheiks myself from time to time.

So far we’ve brought flavors from all around the region to this burger, and, like all of the people coming in and going out of this land, we have a symphony of Middle Eastern flavors, but still nothing quintessentially Israeli, so of course, I had to add Israeli salad to the burger. If you travel to Israel you will undoubtedly encounter a simple and refreshing side dish of tomatoes and cucumber tossed in olive oil and lemon juice. There may be some green or red peppers in the salad too and these days some people are adding herbs, but the basic is tomato and cucumber, olive oil and lemon.

The Israeli salad has the perfect blend of flavors for a burger, but it is extremely messy, it made me wish I hadn’t cut the edges off the pita ☺. All in all, this burger was a marvelously light creation. Somehow the brightness of the hummus, the zestiness of the salad, and yes, the lightness of the pita all worked to transform this beef burger into something lighter and fresher than we expected. It paired perfectly with a California Pinot Noir, but would be equally good with a Sauvignon Blanc.

Except for some exacting knife cuts in the salad, this is a super easy burger to make. I hope you try it and enjoy. I think you’ll love it and, if you do, please try some of the other wonderful burgers from the Middle East like Bahrain, Egypt and Iraq.

Israel Burger
1 pound ground beef (20% fat)
1½ Tablespoons harissa
1 teaspoon olive oil
2 large pita rounds cut in half
Hummus (recipe below)
Israeli Salad (recipe below)

In a medium bowl, combine the beef and the harissa, mix through evenly. Form into four patties. Heat the olive oil in a cast iron skillet. Cook the patties to desired temperature (this burger is best at medium or medium rare). To serve spread some hummus (be generous) on the inside of each pita. Place a burger patty on top of the hummus then add a generous scoop of Israeli Salad.

1 15 ounce can chickpeas drained (reserve liquid)
3 large cloves of garlic chopped
¼ cup+ olive oil
3 Tablespoons tahini
Juice of 2 lemons
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ cup liquid from chickpeas

Combine all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. Add olive oil and or chickpea liquid as needed to get a consistency you like. Taste and add lemon or salt as needed.

Israeli Salad
1 English cucumber
3 small tomatoes
½ red pepper
Olive oil
Fresh lemon juice

Dice the vegetables into small pieces of equal size (try for ¼ inch, but don’t kill yourself over it). You want approximately equal parts of tomato and cucumber. Toss the vegetables in olive oil and lemon juice (equal parts). Use just enough to coat the veggies, but not so much that you end up with soup. Keep the salad at room temperature until your ready to use it. Toss the vegetables and use a slotted spoon to serve.

BH&T Israeli Salad

©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach

Israeli burger recipe

Posted in beef burgers, middle eastern recipes | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Irish burger recipe

BH&T Ireland Burger RecipePork Belly Cheese Burger with Champ and Irish Soda Bread
We just spent a week in Paris (and when I say we, I mean my husband and I, sans children), and it was heavenly. If you want to know more about that trip, check out the Burgers Here and There Facebook page. So we arrive home on Thursday and Friday I decide to make my Ireland burger. After spending a week eating really good French food, I admit that tackling the flavors of Ireland was a little tough to get excited about, but I find that pork belly is the great equalizer and can help me get excited about most anything.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

So let’s talk about Ireland. Ireland is a Western European country and, according to CIA World Factbook occupies five sixths of the island of Ireland (the rest is Northern Ireland which is part of the United Kingdom). Ireland withdrew completely from the British Commonwealth in 1949 and has been independent since then.

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook

As I started writing this blog entry, I found one of the most interesting aspects of Irish history (at least for my purposes) was the potato famine. I started writing about the history of the potato and the famine and was having a great time when I realized that I had two pages of text and hadn’t remotely gotten to the story of my burger – re-write time! Given the elegant phrasing and seamless narrative that I’m so well know for, it may surprise you to know that I almost never re-write or even re-read (ok, none of you are surprised). I try to “keep it real” and just write what I think. But I’m pretty sure that few of you want to read a treatise on the history of the potato in Ireland. So I’ll sum up.

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Potatoes were brought to Europe by the Spanish explorers who discovered them in the Andes Mountains in South America. Potatoes grow really well in Ireland and by 1844ish, the potato made up an estimated 80% of the caloric intake of the average Irishman. Potatoes are good food, Irish population swelled to 8 million. Then a nasty fungus made its way over from Mexico in 1845, no one knows how exactly, and decimated the almost every potato crop for the next four years, with continued effects for around 10 years. Roughly 1 million Irish died and another 1.5-2 million emigrated (mainly to the US). The British government didn’t help matters with their “relief” efforts (a whole other topic), and basically this episode in Irish history has a lot to do with the general feelings of mistrust and antipathy that the Irish have had for the British since then. Massive oversimplifications here – but you get the gist.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Potatoes are still important in Irish cuisine, so of course we included some potatoes in the dish. While there are a myriad ways to prepare potatoes in Irish cooking, mashed is one of the classics and still a favorite today. The most common recipes are colcannon (which is mashed potatoes with kale or some other green in them) or champ (which is mashed with spring onions). Since Irish mashed potatoes are generally made with just milk and butter, I elected to go with the champ version as onions would add a little more flavor and give the dish some zing. Beside which, it’s spring here, so I can get spring onions now.

But I didn’t want the potato to be the main starch – primarily because ever since I saw Monte make Irish soda bread on MasterChef, I have wanted to try it out myself – it looked so easy! And easy it is! Irish soda bread is so simple to make, I almost didn’t hate baking ☺ The resulting bread is denser than yeast bread, but delicious and, did I mention easy? I made a basic bread with no frills, you can also adapt this recipe and add fruit and sugar and make a sweet version. If you add raisins you’ve just made spotted dick, enough said….

So soda bread, champ, that should be enough starch for even me, now let’s move on to the meat. Ask any American for an Irish dish and most will answer corned beef and cabbage. The reality is that that’s the American version; the Irish version is boiled pork and cabbage. In fact pork is the most common meat consumed in Ireland. The Irish love pork, so I figured it was time to go “hog wild” and buy me some pork belly! This burger is simple, so it really needs good meat – I ground my own, but you can also ask the butcher to grind it for you. I went with a combo of pork cutlet, slab bacon and pork belly and the result was a richly piggy flavor.

I topped the whole thing with some yummy Irish cheddar, which tasted a lot like yummy Wisconsin cheddar, so just buy good cheddar and you’ll be fine. Which reminds me, I did take this opportunity to try Irish butter. I’ve seen Irish butter in the stores for ages, but never picked it up. Irish butter tastes pretty much like butter, really creamy rich butter – I like it. If you can’t find it, just buy good butter, but if you can find it, give Irish butter a try.

If you like the richness of this burger, you should try Czech Republic Burger, it’s another homey and tasty bit of meaty goodness.

Ireland Burger
¾ pound pork cutlet
¼ pound pork belly
¼ pound slab bacon
Olive oil
4 ounces Irish cheddar
Irish Soda Bread (recipe below)
4 Tablespoons course English mustard
Champ (recipe below)
4 teaspoons Irish butter

Chop the meat into cubes and place the meat in the freezer for about 20 minutes. Grind the meat on the fine setting of your meat grinder. Form into four patties. Put a little olive oil a cast iron pan and fry the patties until the pork is cooked through. Top with slices of cheddar about 2 minutes before the pork is done and cover so that the cheese melts. To serve, slice the bread in half through the width of the loaf then into quarters. Grill the bread lightly in the hot pan.  On each quarter spread 1 Tablespoon of mustard then add a big dollop of champ, a pat of butter and the cooked burger patties.

BH&T Ireland Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread
2 cups all purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
8 ounces buttermilk
Preheat oven to 425˚F. Sift the dry ingredients then add the buttermilk. Note: you can use dried buttermilk hydrated with water. Combine into a sticky dough then knead lightly. Lightly grease and flour a cake pan. Form the dough into a slightly flat round loaf. Put the loaf into the greased pan and cover with another cake pan. Bake for 25 minutes then remove top pan and bake for another 5 minutes. Remove the loaf and place on wire rack to cool.

1 pound russet potatoes
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 spring onion chopped (white and light green parts only)
½ cup milk
1 Tablespoon Irish butter

Peel and chop potatoes. Boil the potatoes with 1 teaspoon of salt until fork tender. While the potatoes are cooking put the milk and the onions into a small sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Remove the milk from the heat. Drain the potatoes and mash with the butter and the milk and onion mixture, salt to taste.

BH&T Ireland Champ

Irish burger recipe

©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach

Posted in european recipes, pork burgers | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Iraqi burger recipe

BH&T Iraq Burger RecipeBaharat Seasoned Lamb Burger with Rice Kibbe and Yogurt Mint Sauce
When I started on my goal of creating a burger recipe based on the cuisine of each country in the world, I assumed that each country would have a unique cuisine.  Of course now that I’m 79 recipes/countries into this I realize that there are no “unique” cuisines.  The fact is that people have traveled, ever since there were people, they’ve traveled, and they bring their favorite foods with them.  So as I started researching Iraqi food, I was shocked to read on several sites that “Iraq is one of the few countries that doesn’t have a unique cuisine”.  I think I’m going to have to chalk this comment up to ignorance at best or prejudice at worst.  The reality is that Iraq is an old country and people have been traveling in and out and around the area for a really long time, and as we discussed, they’ve taken their food with them.

By jamesdale10, via Wikimedia Commons

By jamesdale10, via Wikimedia Commons

The Republic of Iraq is located in the heart of the Middle East bordered by Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey with a small coastline on the Persian Gulf.  It was once part of the Ottoman Empire and before that was part of Mesopotamia.  Now Iraq is now home to almost 32 million people.  And yes, the cuisine is pretty classically Middle Eastern but anyone who says that dismissively clearly doesn’t understand the thousands of years of history and culture and folks traveling that have brought us to the modern Middle East.  This is one of the oldest civilizations in the world; which gives us more to talk about than we have time on this particular journey.

By James (Jim) Gordon, via Wikimedia Commons

By James (Jim) Gordon, via Wikimedia Commons

Through these thousands of years and billions of travelers food and flavors have developed that somehow reach into your heart and soul and bring you home in a visceral way.  Middle Eastern food has a richness and complexity that seems exotic to those of us raised in the New World and weaned on fast food and processed foods.  Iraqis love spices and their food balances flavors that Westerners consider dessert tastes with classically savory spices.  Cumin mixes with cinnamon, nutmeg compliments saffron and suddenly your kitchen is filed with a glorious fragrance that lingers and brings your family and friends to the table ready to feast.

Which is a somewhat clumsy lead in to my next point about hospitality.  Iraqi culture, in keeping with Muslim culture more generally, has a strong emphasis on hospitality.  There’s a tradition that any guest/stranger/traveler is welcome to stay for 3 days in your house and it is rude for you to ask him his intentions or how long he plans to stay until the third day.  I’ve read stories of men who travel for business and stop at strangers houses along the way – the strangers become friends and start anticipating the visits, the travelers’ favorite foods are served when he arrives unexpectedly.  Now I come from a part of the US that is particularly know for it’s hospitality, but I wouldn’t recommend just showing up at a stranger’s door in the American Midwest and expecting to get your favorite dish cooked.

That being said, welcome to my “home” – let’s see what I’ve cooked for you!  In a similar fashion to Iran, we’re going to start with the ever-important rice.  I am increasingly impressed with the variety and creativity of cooking methods and recipes for rice around the world.  In an effort to try another new rice dish, I found inspiration in kibbe.  Iraqi kibbe recipes are varied, but one of the popular ways to make kibbe is cook the rice until it’s soft, add some dried fruit and some beef and grind it all together then wrap it around some spiced ground lamb and deep fry.  To me this sounds like the perfect inspiration for a burger.  So I made saffron rice, mixed in some meat, raisins (I only ad black raisins, golden would be more authentic) and some onion and made a super tasty kibbe cake for the starch.

Next came the meat, and here lamb was the obvious choice – especially since goat is so hard to find in Brookline J Add some baharat (another spice mixture with millions of versions throughout the Middle East) and we’ve got a fragrant and delicious patty.  Just to add a little coolness I made a yogurt sauce with a big helping of fresh mint, some lemon juice and dates for a little bit of sweetness.  By the way, Iraq produces about 80% of the world’s dates.

The final burger is rich and layered, fragrant and tasty, and it is easily one of my favorites.  The fried rice cake is a little heavy, but is balanced well with the yogurt sauce; make sure you portion the sauce generously.

If you enjoy these flavors, you’ll also love the Egypt burger.  Both of these burgers embrace the flavors of the Middle East as I hope you will too (as you can tell, I’m a huge fan)!

Iraqi Burger
1 pound ground lamb
Baharat Spice Mixture (recipe below) reserve ½ teaspoon for rice cake
4 Kibbe Rice Cakes (recipe below)
Yogurt Sauce (recipe below)

Combine the lamb and baharat and form into 4 patties.  Cook to desired temperature.

Baharat Spice Mixture
1 teaspoon ground cumin
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon salt

Combine spices in a dry pan over low heat until fragrant.  Reserve ½ teaspoon of spice mixture for rice cake and use the rest for the meat.

Kibbe Rice Cake
1 cup basmati rice
¼ cup hot water
Pinch saffron
¼ cup chopped onion
¼ lb ground beef
¼ cup raisin (preferably golden)
½ teaspoon baharat spice mixture
Peanut oil

Cook rice per package directions.  While rice is cooking add the saffron to the hot water and let it sit until rice is done.  Put cooked rice, saffron and water, beef, raisins and spices into a food processor and pulse until well mixed.

BH&T Iraq Kibbe Cake Prep

Form 4 balls out of the mixture and flatten into discs.  Heat about an inch of peanut oil in a pan.  Fry the discs in the oil then drain on paper towels.

BH&T Iraq Kibbe Rice Cake

Yogurt Sauce
1 cup 2% Greek yogurt
½ cup chopped fresh mint
4 dates chopped
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

BH&T Iraq Yogurt Sauce


©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach

Iraqi burger recipe

Posted in lamb burgers, middle eastern recipes | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Iranian burger recipe

BH&T Iran Burger RecipePersian Spiced Lamb Burgers with Saffron Rice and Fresh Herbs

Apparently, were I Iranian, I would be doomed to be a spinster.  Ok, probably not really in modern times, but there is a saying that a woman’s marriagability (I don’t think that’s really a word) is related to her ability to make rice.  And when I say “make rice” I don’t mean plain old-fashioned steam it and serve, I mean Persian rice.  I tried…epic fail!  But I’ll get to the details in a minute, first let’s talk a little bit about Iran and then we can move on to the cooking and especially the rice.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is located in the Middle East and creates a sort of giant land bridge that separates the Caspian Sea and the Persian Golf – I imagine that no geologist would actually call it a bridge, but that’s kind of what it looks like to me.

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

courtesy of CIA World Factbook

It shares borders with Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan.  At it’s height, the Persian Empire encompassed all of Iran and most of the surrounding land – today “Persian” and “Iranian” are used pretty much interchangeably in terms of cultural context, especially as we start talking about food.

1.By سبأ (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

1. By سبأ (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

And, although there is a great deal would could talk about beyond the food, Persian cuisine is rich in history and cultural influences and I have so much I want to tell you about the food, that I’m skipping right too it.  Life is too short to spend too much time on politics, I’d rather go for the substance, or the sustenance, I’d rather have dinner 🙂

Persian cuisine and food culture is really cool and exotic and fascinating.  Food plays an important part in the culture of Iran, it’s a food centric country.  Hospitality is extremely important and food is a big part of that.  You will always be offered food when visiting a traditional Iranian household.  I read in one book that you should decline the food with thanks, it will be offered again, you should decline again, etc… until the ritual is done three times then the host will just serve anyway.  As a guest you should thank and compliment profusely (I think that’s a good rule of thumb generally myself).  The best foods are always served to guests (another good general rule), and guests should eat heartily but not be piggy and eat their hosts out of house and home (yet another good rule – liking the manners here).

By Hamed Saber, via Wikimedia Commons

By Hamed Saber, via Wikimedia Commons

Persian cuisine is a symphony of many spices (not hot chilies though), and a balance of sweet and sour.  Fruits are commonly used in savory dishes and Persian cooks pride themselves on complex combinations of tastes that balance perfectly.  Because Iran is so centrally located and Persia extended so far, many flavor traditions have passed back and forth, making Persian food also a balance of cultural influences.  You see hints of India in the use of coriander, cardamom and cinnamon, you see hints of Greece in the stuffed grape leaves and use of yogurt.  The tradition of marinated meat cooked on a skewer (kebab or shwarma) is a Persian method of cooking that is now common across the region and into the Mediterranean.

Iran produces lots of different fruits and vegetables – pomegranates, persimmons, melons, peaches, plums, dates, grapes, eggplant, squash, and cucumbers to name a few.  They also grow almonds and pistachios and walnuts (English walnuts come from Iran) and produce one of the finest quality saffrons around (so I’ve read, I have not had the pleasure of side by side taste testing).  Iran also produces caviar, sturgeon caviar, again said to be one of the finest in the world.  All in all an embarrassment of riches from which to create a great burger – the hardest part was narrowing down the choices 🙂

By سید محمد موسوی اعظم, via Wikimedia Commons

By سید محمد موسوی اعظم, via Wikimedia Commons

So let’s get back to the rice.  Ugh.  Rice is an everyday staple of Persian cooking.  But it isn’t as simple as that, they make rice differently than anyone I’ve encountered so far (or maybe I just didn’t read deeply enough before this).  You don’t have to become an expert on Persian cuisine to realize that this rice is special and that Iranians are particular, everything I read about the food mentioned this.  First, the rice is long grain – similar to basmati (in fact they import basmati from India to supplement local production).  There are two basic ways to cook the rice.  First is “chelo” (this is what I tried and failed to produce).  In chelo, you parboil the rice then drain it and mound it into a pot with oil and a little bit of water.  You steam it and somehow, magically you get a cooked rice with a crispy browned bottom.  The bottom called “tah dig” is what everyone loves and is served separately.  It is a practiced art to create tah dig and I frankly lost patience after three failed attempts.  The best I got was a golden bottom that was unappetizingly crunchy (for my tastes), so I abandoned hope and just made rice.

Total Failure - WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

Total Failure – WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

You can also make kateh – which is rice more similar to the way we produce it here.  Boil rice with butter or oil, salt and water, then simmer until the water is absorbed.  The trick here though is that you also cook it for a while and get that crust that Persians love so much – you turn the pan over and cut the rice like a cake.  No joy for me on this method either – I am truly hopeless.

Once you get good at making chelo and kateh, then you graduate to layered rice dishes – these are served for holidays and special occasions and are a real showpiece for the Persian cook.  Needless to say, I didn’t even attempt them.  When you have 193 recipes to create, you can’t spend months on one country, you’ll go crazy.

Another staple of the Persian table is “sabzi khordan” (spelling varies from one source to another), which is basically a bowl of herbs and veggies that is served with just about everything.  The herb mixture varies and each cook/family has their own traditions, but I stuck with the herbs I saw most often referenced – mint, chives, tarragon, basil, watercress.  You also see cilantro used a lot but since I’m not that big of a fan, I chose to leave it out, feel free to add some if you like that soapy flavor 🙂

Persians, like most foodie cultures it seems, have their own traditional spice mix.  Theirs is called “advieh” and the recipes are myriad.  The use of dried lime is pretty universal and gives a distinctive flavor to Persian food.  You’ll see in Western style recipes that people substitute lime juice for dried lime – don’t do that, just go online and order some dried limes and you’ll understand why.  Yes, they are tart, but there’s a concentrated lime peel flavor that mixes with the tart in a unique and interesting flavor – it’s tart without being bitter and intense without being overwhelming, with a little bit of fruit and earthiness that you just can’t get with any substitution.

The Persian table generally has radishes, something made from eggplant, stews, meats, yogurt, nuts, fruits…a little bit of everything.  Again, my challenge was focus…where to start?  I usually start with the meat, I find that gives me a frame on which to build the flavors of the dish.  In this case I had to go with lamb.  Not only is it a popular meat in Iran, but it also perfectly compliments the sweet and sour  and the spice flavors that we’ve been talking about.  Throw some advieh in to season the lamb and we’re set in the meat department.

I gave up on making tah dig and instead made a simple saffron steamed rice.  I know it’s a cop out, but it was the best I could do and finish this project before I’m too senile to remember which country I’m on.

For toppings I really wanted to make a fruit/veg compote that would pay homage the stewing tradition and bring in some of the sweet and sour flavors in.  So I put together a combination with eggplants and several native fruits along with pomegranate molasses to bring in the sour edge.  Thinly sliced radish gave a nice crunch to the dish along with toasted walnuts (I’m amazed at how yummy nuts can be on a burger!).  A yogurt sauce and some feta gave the dish added creaminess and a little salt kick.  And lastly, to add color and brightness to the dish, some lovely fresh herbs ala sabzi khordan finished it off beautifully.  It’s a lot of moving parts on this burger, but don’t get nervous.  Nothing here is hard to make and almost all of it can be made ahead.  If you slice the radishes ahead of time, just leave them soaking in ice water, it will keep them crisp and fresh.  The only thing you don’t want to do too far ahead of time is the herb mix, basil will brown if it sits too long and the others will wilt, so chop these up last minute.

The final burger is unusual, the flavors are such a mixture of sweet, sour, creamy – it’s actually hard to describe.  I know I get paid big bucks to describe food…oh, wait, I don’t get paid anything!  Phew, now I don’t feel bad that I don’t have the words for this.  You’ll just have to give it a whirl and let me know how you would describe it J

This is a hearty but not heavy burger that we served with a nice pinot noir (which is totally wrong based on the no alcohol rule of Iran, but I’m a rebel).  If you want a more traditional drink, I’m told tea is the most popular beverage in Iran.  Although one more note on that topic; pre-Muslim rule, Iran produced a fair amount of wine.  They still grow grapes and use the grapes in cooking instead today – a bit of a waste of perfectly good grapes in my book, but to each his own.

If you like this burger you should try the Bahrain burger.  It’s a lighter and slightly simpler burger, but has many of the same flavors of the region.

Iran Burger
1 pound ground lamb
1 ½ teaspoon advieh (recipe below)
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1 Tablespoon peanut oil
2 cups cooked rice (saffron in the cooking water is optional)
4-6 radishes sliced very thin
Crumbled feta cheese
Sweet and Sour Compote (recipe below)
Yoghurt Sauce (recipe below)
Fresh Herbs (recipe below)
4 Tablespoons toasted chopped walnuts

Mix the advieh, salt and lamb together and form into 4 patties.  Heat the oil in a medium skillet, cook patties to desired temperature.

To serve scoop out ½ cup of rice on each plate.  Add a layer of sliced radishes and generous helping of feta cheese, then the cooked patties.  Put a big scoop of compote on top of the burger then add yoghurt sauce, fresh herbs and a Tablespoon of walnuts.

1 teaspoon green cardamom seeds (crush about a Tablespoon of pods to get 1 teaspoon of seeds)
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
5 whole cloves
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon cumin seed
½ teaspoon orange zest
1 dried lime crushed

Place all ingredients in a dry pan and warm over low heat until fragrant.  Put the spices in a spice blender and pulse until everything is ground up.

Sweet and Sour Compote
1 Tablespoon peanut oil
1 cup cubed eggplant
1 cup chopped Turkish apricots
1 ½ teaspoons advieh
juice of 1 tangerine
2 Tablespoons black raisins
¼ cup pomegranate juice
2 Tablespoons pomegranate molasses

In medium saucepan, heat oil and brown eggplant for three minutes over medium heat.  Add the rest of the ingredients and cook over low heat until syrupy.  Cool slightly and pulse in a food processor until you get a basically even texture.  Use slightly warm or room temperature.

BH&T Iran Sweet and Sour Compote

Yoghurt Sauce
1 cup Greek yoghurt (2% fat)
1 teaspoons minced shallots
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh mint
salt to taste

Add all ingredients in a glass bowl and refrigerate until ready to use.

BH&T Iran Yoghurt Sauce

Fresh Herbs
¼ cup fresh mint chopped
¼ cup fresh chives chopped
¼ cup fresh tarragon chopped
½ cup fresh watercress chopped
2 Tablespoons fresh basil chopped

Combine all ingredients and serve.


©Copyright 2013 Linda Monach


Iranian burger recipe

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